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Since the release of ChatGPT 3 in November 2022 AI has become a ‘hot topic’ in education, especially in higher education.

Many new AI tools and digital spaces are being used for the first time in innovative and creative ways. However, there are many concerns about how and why we should use AI in Education. The debate has started to focus on AI literacy and this has started to raise a number of questions about it:

How is AI literacy different from digital literacy?

What are the key components of AI literacy?

How do we help staff and students to use AI in the curriculum.

What does best practice look like?

This new book has started to address some of these questions from a variety of different perspectives, from both staff and students working in higher education. This is what others have said about it already:

“This book is a treasure-trove of interdisciplinary perspectives, ideas and resources offering the reader diverse, critical insights into the meaning of AI literacy. Curated as short, accessible case-studies and vignettes, this book will inspire educators to explore the intricate landscape of AI literacy, prompting us to consider what it means for our teaching and learning practices.” Ruth Powell, Head of Digital Learning Practice, University of the Arts London, United Kingdom

“Sharing multiple perspectives related to GenAI literacy, this publication blends critical reflections and practical insights by professionals with creative experimentation of GenAI by students. It is an inspiring collection of articles that allows us to rethink and reimagine the potential of GenAI in education, while encouraging its meaningful, responsible, and ethical implementation.” Shironica P. Karunanayaka, EdD, Senior Professor in Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Honorary Chair – Commonwealth of Learning

“In this groundbreaking collection, academics and students alike delve into the multifaceted landscape of GenAI literacy with critical and creative lenses. This book provides a wealth of practical examples and reflections and fosters an environment of shared learning and innovation. By engaging with this compilation, readers are invited to reconsider and expand their understanding of AI in education, exploring its possibilities and addressing its challenges. This work stands as a testament to the power of collaborative inquiry and the shared pursuit of knowledge in navigating the complexities of our AI-driven future.” Prof. Nikolaos Fachantidis, Head of Department of Educational and Social Policy, Director of LIRES Robotics Lab, University of Macedonia, Greece

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As the collection is made available under the Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC-SA licence, anybody can use the collection as open data to further interrogate the use of AI in Education.

Please share any resulting outcomes with the editorial team and the wider community!

Suggested citation: Abegglen, S., Nerantzi, C., Martínez-Arboleda, A., Karatsiori, M., Atenas, J., & Rowell, C. (2024). Towards AI Literacy: 101+ Creative and Critical Practices, Perspectives and Purposes. #creativeHE. https://zenodo.org/records/11613520